Battle Brothers Map Seeds


  1. Battle Brothers Map Seeds 2019
  2. Battle Brothers Legends Map Seeds

This is just a collection of seeds I have and would like to share, most of these are for easier starts.
The format I am using is as follows:
seed . traits of companions . # of settlements held by house . Ocean and port location

PS - In order for these seeds to work for you, you have to own ALL DLC and have the Legends Mod active. I only use the Legends mod from the site I don't use any other mods! Battle Brother Map Seeds 4 Legends Mod / WOTN. EXPGPGKXMR - Crusader Loyal + Undead Killer + Fear of Beast. Seance/Warlock Iron Lungs. Battle Brothers is exceptionally good at making you feel a connection to characters who are, after all, little more than a drawing of a head and torso. No one has any voiced dialogue, the men are randomly generated for each new band, and while the game’s visual consistency might be admired, it does make it easy to mistake one angry Germanic.

Battle Brothers Map Seeds 2019

2e19f . SurEE,Ath,StrBri . 10/5/2 . N,S 3 South ports
8140e9 . BriOpt,Spa,IJAth . 10/4/3 . SW Useless Port
3fa4a3 . LoyOpt,None,StrBri . 7/5/5 . E,SW 4 Port W,EEE
7c87a5 . AthSpa,DetSpa,Tiny . 10/4/3 . N,S 2N,3S
4718b4 . FeaDet,SFEE,LoyEE . 6/6/5 . E,S 2E,4S
2a940a . SFSTR,None,SFSTR . 6/6/5 . N,S 3S
322506 . BruDet,None,BraSpa . 7/5/5 . NE,S,W 1NE,1S,1W
4c5f75 . StrBra,FeaCoc,BriBra . 6/6/5 . NW,S 1NW,2S
3045fe . BraOpt,DeaTou,DetBra . 7/5/5 . N,S 1N,2S
1cffdd . DeaEE,None,DetBru . 6/6/5 . S 4S
2d6c44 . AthSur,Ath,Bra . 6/6/5 . S 4S
589f49 . DeaIJ,ILQui,DexIJ . 8/5/4 E,SW 1SW,4E
1dbba . ILDea,IJ,Blo . 7/6/4 W,S 4S
3fb0ab . SpaBri,SFBra,Bru . 6/6/5 N,S 4S
1b1a6e . FeaSpa,None,EEBri . 8/6/3 N,S 3S
38a1ce . SurFea,QuiIL,DetSup . 8/5/4 S 4S
7ea12d . ILSur,DetEE,None . 7/5/5 N,S 3S
60f0fa . QuiSpa,Sur,Bru . 9/4/4 S 3S
78b8e2 . BloFea,DeaStr,FeaBle . 9/5/3 W,SW 1W,3SW
2a53b9 . Nonex3 . 8/5/4 S 3S
2d3cc2 . IJOpt,AthBlo,None . 9/6/2 W 4W
8e0d9c . SF,Tou,OptTin . 9/5/3 SW 2SW
186265 . TouSF,BloBru,IJ . 7/6/4 NW,W,SE 1NW,2W,1SE
8ffda8 . Ath,LoyIJ,Fea . 9/5/3 N,S,SW 1Each
3aca7d . EEQui,EESur,OptDet . 7/6/4 NE,S 2S
af5fc . EELoy,SpaDet,Irr . 6/6/5 S 4S
302ee . BruAth,StrDet,IrrSur . 7/6/5 E,S 2E,2S
128467. IrrIL,Str,DetSpa . 7/5/5 E,S 1E,3S
e4d02 . Sur,TouBri,DexTou . 7/5/5 E 3E
7e0fa3 . None,IJIL,DetAth . 9/6/2 NW,SW 1NW 4SW
6995fa . BriLoy,SurDum,Loy . 7/7/3 NW,SW 3SW
80c3a6 . Opt,IL,AthSF . 7/7/3 N,S 1N,2S
5e45d2 . IL,StrDea,FeaBlo . 7/6/4 N,SE,SW 3SW

Apr 28, 2015 Battle Brothers - Map Seed: LJRCZRHGSG (One of the best Map Seeds I've seen in a while). Need a good seed for your new campaign in Battle Brothers, then you have come to the right place. You may also be able to share you awsome, crazy, cool or challange seeds. Battlebrothers map seeds. Newest Top rated About Contribute 74. The absolute WORST part of Battlebrothers is the map seed system, and its inability to set basic rules such as ensuring there is at least one building of each important type.

Battle brothers legends map seeds

Battle Brothers Legends Map Seeds

Feel free to add your own in the comments.