How Long Is Mac And Cheese Good For After Expiration Date


In general, if you have purchased a perishable food item before its expiration date and promptly refrigerate it, it will keep for quite some time. Eggs, for example, can be used up to five weeks later. Fresh apples will keep a couple of months in the refrigerator. Just be sure to watch for warning signs like off-putting odors, colors or flavors, which can indicate spoiling [source: Eat By Date].

You also may consider using the freezer to extend your consumption range. Raw chicken breasts, for example, could be stored in your refrigerator for a couple of days, while a cut of beef could keep for up to five days. Transfer either of these — or other perishable items — to the freezer and it will be safe indefinitely. It may not taste great after existing in subzero temperatures for two years, but it will still be safe to eat. You can even freeze milk, although you should plan on using it for cooking rather than drinking because of the change in taste [sources: USDA, Dairy Council of California].

You can keep dry, boxed pasta for one to two years past its printed date.


How Long Is Mac And Cheese Good For After Expiration Date 2017


Canned goods and shelf-stable foods like boxed macaroni-and-cheese have greater latitude than their perishable cousins. Unopened, they can be eaten a year or two past their expiration dates, although there have been more extreme examples. In 1974, scientists at the National Food Processors Association in Washington, D.C., opened and studied a 40-year-old can of corn, along with 100-year-old canned oysters, tomatoes and red peppers. The food looked and smelled edible and even retained most of its nutrients, save lower levels of vitamin C. Although the scientists didn't stage any tastes, they believed the food would have been safe to eat. That's good news for all the preppers out there stockpiling canned goods in their bunkers [source: Charles].

Author's Note: Are Expired Foods Still Safe To Eat?

I've been wrong all along. There has been a great debate about food in my home, particularly when it comes to expiration dates. I err on the side of caution, tossing yogurts, condiments, soups, leftovers — anything that goes a day past its prime. I blame my mother (in the most loving way). A child of the Great Depression, she is exceedingly frugal. She's been known to remove mold from cheese and serve the good parts with dinner. When she cracks an egg, she runs her finger around the inside of the shell to remove all the white. She adds water to soup and never makes a meal that can't be stretched to feed a crowd. She's actually a great cook, but her tendency to see expiration dates as a moving target influenced my food storage habits in adulthood. I've been faithfully obeying expiration dates for years. Now it looks like I may need to change my tune. Or what's on the menu, at the very least.

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  • “I am comfortable eating yogurt 1-2 weeks past date as long as it doesn’t smell,” she said. Cheese: If cheese is past the expiration date, again use the sniff test. But what if you find a.
  • I have 2 tubs of mascarpone cheese ( unopened ) which had a use by date of June 27, 2014. Would it still be safe to use them for baking?
  • Charles, Dan. 'Don't Fear That Expired Food.' NPR. Dec. 26, 2012. (Feb. 24, 2014)
  • Dairy Council of California. 'Can I Freeze Milk?' (Feb. 24, 2014)
  • Eat By Date. 'How Long Do Apples Last?' (Feb. 24, 2014)
  • Natural Resources Defense Council. 'New Report: Food Expiration Date Confusion Causing up to 90 Percent of Americans to Waste Food.' Sept. 18, 2013. (Feb. 24, 2014)
  • Natural Resources Defense Council. 'The Dating Game.' Oct. 22, 2013. (Feb. 24, 2014)
  • Sifferlin, Alexandra. 'Foods You Are Probably Throwing Away Too Early.' Time. Sept. 19, 2013. (Feb. 24, 2014)
  • Sifferlin, Alexandra. 'Is Your Food Expired? Don't Be So Quick To Toss It.' Time. Sept. 18, 2013. (Feb. 24, 2014)
  • USDA. 'Food Product Dating.' August 2013. (Feb. 24, 2014)

This is a huge issue in our house. I always try to keep foods longer, and my husband is adamant that if the food in the fridge has a date, and that expiration date has passed, then it is time to throw it out. No ifs, ands, or buts.

However, I see it differently. I know that not all foods need to be thrown away right away. My mom never threw anything away.

I know there is a line for some foods (just avoid these fat gaining foods), but which foods are fine to keep around for awhile, and which are not?

Don’t get confused by the labeling. Some dates are for the consumers, and some are for the retailer. Here is what they mean:

  • “Use by” and “Best by”: These dates are intended for consumer use, but are typically the date the manufacturer deems the product reaches peak freshness. It’s not a date to indicate spoilage, nor does it necessarily signal that the food is no longer safe to eat.
  • “Sell by”: This date is only intended to help manufacturers and retailers, not consumers. It’s a stocking and marketing tool provided by food makers to ensure proper turnover of the products in the store so they still have a long shelf life after consumers buy them. Consumers, however, are misinterpreting it as a date to guide their buying decisions. The report authors say that “sell by” dates should be made invisible to the consumer.
How Long Is Mac And Cheese Good For After Expiration Date

How Long Is Mac And Cheese Good For After Expiration Date 2016

Here are some foods (avoid these if you care about your health) you can keep after that annoying expiration date:

Milk: Most milk will stay fresh up to a week after expiration date. But use your smell sense for this one and make sure it doesn’t smell sour before pouring. If it does, time to get rid of. Otherwise, get that cereal ready.

Mac And Cheese With Velveeta

Hard Cheese: I am notorious for putting good, expensive delicious cheese in the cheese drawer, only to be lost under other items and to only be found weeks later when I am craving some sharp cheese. Hard cheese can last up to four weeks after expiration date, even after it has been opened.

Mayonaise: This was a surprise to me as I have thrown away many jars of the white stuff when I didn’t have to. Mayo will last up to 3 – 4 months after the expiration date as long as it was store bought and stored at the correct temperature after opening.

Meats: Fresh meat should not be eaten a day or two after its expiration date, but if you freeze your meats, they will last for up to a year or longer! So stock up on those meat or chicken sales and stick them in the freezer.

Pork: As long as your pork is fully cooked at the time of the expiration date, you can eat it up to three days after.

Potato Chips: Since chips are highly processed, they will last months after the expiration date as long as they are stored properly. Just throw them out if they smell or taste stale.

Canned goods: Have you ever wondered about people’s food storage and why it is full of canned goods? Because canned goods don’t expire for years after the expiration date. The cans don’t get oxygen in them, so bacteria does nor grow. For best results keep in cooler dryer, darker part of your house.

Eggs: Most eggs stay fresh one month after the expiration date, mostly because they are refrigerated. However, if you’re not sure there is a very simply way to tell if your egg is good: if it sinks to the bottom it is fine to eat, if it floats throw it out.

Bread: Freezing bread before the expiration date will make it last significantly longer than leaving it on the counter or even the fridge. So go ahead and go to those bakery thrift stores and stock up!

Processed cereal. Again, highly processed. They might not taste exactly the same, but they should last for up to 6 months past expiration date as long as it is stored correctly with an elastic seal.

Water: Does not expire, period. Many states regulate that everything consumed needs an expiration date, but water lasts indefinitely. Just be cautious of the water bottles it may be siting in.

How Long Is Mac And Cheese Good For After Expiration Date

Butter: This one surprised me. If your butter is going to expire, throw it in the fridge. Thaw and use for baking. Just make sure you use it quickly after thawing and don’t re-freeze. Make sure your butter was unopened before freezing.

Pasta: This is one you can keep for months after expiration dates. It is a dry good so it will last much, much longer than it says. If it has a funny smell or feels stale, throw it out. Just make sure to keep in pantry and not the refrigerator.

Soda: There are a lot of chemicals in those drinks, so the shelf life lasts a long time. Scientists believe that diet (avoid these 4 diet mistakes) soda is fine to drink 4 months after the stamped date, and regular soda can last 9 months.

Pickled Foods: Anything stored in salt and acidic liquid, such as vinegar and brine, will last well past its due date. Here is a delicious recipe for pickled green beans.

Lettuce: Greens and lettuce can look wilted and not appetizing once they have been left in the fridge too long, but with a quick ice bath, it will bring them back to life. However, if any lettuce or greens look visibly decayed, throw it out.