Landesk Management Suite 9.0 Crack


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To install the product on your computer and activate a concurrent license, follow the instructions below:
  1. Download the newest version of the product at and install the new version of the product.
  2. When the installation is complete, open the iSpring Suite 9 tab in PowerPoint and click Activate on the toolbar.

  3. Insert the concurrent license key and click Next. Use the same key that you specified for the License Server activation.
  4. Specify the computer name where the License Server is installed. If the client and server parts are both installed on the same computer, then type in localhost.
  5. In the Use port field, specify the same port that you indicated in the Server License Management Console. The default value is 9979. Click Next.

Your product is now activated. You can start using the iSpring product if there are any available connections (floating licenses) on the server.

Software license monitoring gives you the tools to managesoftware assets so you can track software usage, monitor licensecompliance, and control costs in your organization.

IT administrators and software asset managers find itchallenging to track product licenses installed on numerous devicesacross a network. They run the risk not only of over-deployingproduct licenses, but also of purchasing too many licenses forproducts. You can avoid these problems by using the softwarelicense monitoring console to monitor and report on productlicenses and usage across your organization.

The software license monitoring console displays data frommultiple perspectives (by products, computers, or licenses) andpresents reports in multiple formats (such as HTML, PDF, and CSV).As you filter the data to find the products or licenses you want ina report, click the View as report button to create a reportof the data currently being displayed.

More extensive reports are available in the LANDesk ManagementSuite Reports tool.

Software license monitoring features include:

  • Passive, low-bandwidth monitoring. The softwaremonitoring agent passively monitors product usage on devices, usingminimal network bandwidth. The agent monitors usage for mobiledevices that are disconnected from the network, and then sends thedata to the core server when the device is connected to thenetwork.
  • Automatic product discovery scans for installedapplications on managed devices, gathering data based on whichfiles are associated with those applications. Product data ismatched with a normalized database of over 22,000 productdefinitions.
  • Product license downgrading. For some products, anewer version of a product can loan a license to older versions,keeping your devices license-compliant at all times.
  • Easily accessible reporting on application usage andlicense compliance.
  • Extensive data reporting features, including numberof times each licensed application was launched, last date used,and total duration of application usage.
  • Easy configuration of license parameters, includingpurchase information, license type, quantity, and serialnumber.
  • Installation tracking and reconciliation, includingitems you track such as the license holder and physical location ofthe device the license is installed on, as well as additionalnotes.
  • Integration with LANDesk Asset Manager for current,complete information about installed applications and licenses inyour asset management.

Read this chapter to learn about:

What's new in this version

Software license monitoring is designed to give you accuratedata about your organization's use of software licenses, in aformat that's readily accessible. New features and enhancementsinclude the following:

  • New user interface: Software licensemonitoring functionality is now managed in a new console thatoffers three perspectives (products, computers, and licenses) togive you the tools you need for the task at hand. In eachperspective, two independent controls let you filter the datathat's displayed in the bottom pane of the console.
  • Improved console performance: The softwarelicense monitoring console displays inventory data from thedatabase, but does not perform real-time updates. The new interfaceis designed to be responsive so you can quickly and easily find thedata you need.
  • Usage calculation on demand: Usage iscalculated regularly, when inventory maintenance is run on thedatabase. If you want to update the current data in betweencalculations, click the Re-calculate usage button toretrieve the most current data from the database.
  • Software license compliance calculations:License compliance is calculated regularly, when inventorymaintenance is run on the database. Data is updated from theinventory scans that have been run on your managed devices. You canalso run compliance calculation on-demand in between regularcalculations.
  • Normalized product data and more accuraterecognition: This version of software license monitoring isenhanced by a normalized database of over 22,000 productdefinitions, which makes it easier to identify which softwareproducts are in use. Installed products are recognized byexecutable files installed, file size, and other characteristics,so products are more accurately identified.
  • Improved ad-hoc reporting: Six types of reportoutputs are now available when you click the View as reportbutton, giving you the data that is displayed in the console, inthe format you want. In addition, Management Suite includespredefined reports for license and product usage.
  • Role-based administration filtering for users:A user's ability to view data is tied to the role and scopeassigned to that user. Depending on the user's scope, some or allproduct, computer, and license data is displayed in the console.Only data for computers within the user's scope is displayed.
  • Dynamic product definitions: You can now groupdifferent versions of a software product so they are reported asthe same product. For example, minor (point) revisions of a product(such as version 9.0, 9.0.1, and 9.1) can be combined in a singleproduct definition with a wildcard (9.*) version. This reduces thenumber of different products you manage.
  • Flexible product types: Product licenses arenow defined as single products, dynamic products, and suiteproducts, which include all the individual products that can besold in a suite.

Notes about previous versions of software licensemonitoring

Landesk Management Suite 9.0 Cracked

If you have used previous versions of software licensemonitoring, note the following changes in this version:

  • Compliance tree replaced by new console: Thereis no longer a Compliance tree; this functionality is included inthe new console. Computer groups are based on Management Suitegroups and queries, so you can specify a scope for a product groupwhen you define the group or query.
  • Denying use of products: If you want toprevent users from installing or running specific software, use theApplication blocker feature, which is now found under theSecurity group of tools (click Tools > Security> Patch and compliance in the Management Suite console). For moreinformation, see Creating custom definitions and detectionrules.
  • Managing software definitions: To manage thesoftware products that are tracked (which was formerly done byediting the LDAPPL3 files), you can now add product definitions inthe software license monitoring console. When you do this, theproduct information is automatically added to the LDAPPL3 file sothat inventory scans include the product you defined. To addproducts only for inventory scanning (but not for licensetracking), use the Manage software list tool, which is aseparate tool under the Reporting/Monitoring group of tools (clickTools > Reporting/Monitoring > Manage softwarelist in the ManagementSuite console).
  • Inventory feature: The list of files that theinventory scanner uses to identify products now includes thenormalized product data that is added in this version. You canstill create custom definitions, but we suggest that you look forexisting product definitions before creating customdefinitions.
  • Alias feature: Aliases are now handled withwildcards in the license definition. You can associate differentversions of a product under one product definition by using awildcard (* character) in the version number. You can use thewildcard at any level, so you can combine all versions of a product(revisions 1, 2, and 3 with version '*') or all point revisions ofa product version (revisions 4.0, 4.1, and 4.5 with version '4.*').Manufacturer name aliases are now handled by the normalizedsoftware product data that is included in this product.
  • License data format: The format of databasetables containing license information has changed in this version.To import license data from a previous version, you need to exportthe old license data, reformat it using the new data structure, andimport it into the database using the Import licenses buttonin the software license monitoring console. For instructions onimporting data, see Importing software license data.

Integration with other LANDeskproducts

Software license monitoring is an important component of youroverall IT asset management strategy. As a part of LANDeskManagement Suite, this tool takes data from the inventorymanagement of devices in your organization and gives you a way todetermine where software is installed. As you define the softwarelicenses you want to monitor, this tool helps you allocate licensesefficiently by providing a reporting structure that shows when youare in compliance with the licenses, and indicates where you canimprove efficiency in license allocation.

To create a comprehensive software license management solutionthat includes discovery, advanced license definition, userentitlement, reconciliation, and license recovery, we recommendthat you use LANDesk Asset Lifecycle Manager with LANDeskManagement Suite. With Asset Lifecycle Manager you can definelicenses in more detail, track license assignment, use automatedprocess flows to managed licenses efficiently. Using AssetLifecycle Manager, you can roll up license data from multiple coresand define automated flows that cover the full process of softwarelicensing from user requests to reporting, compliance auditing, andrecovery of unused software licenses.

Software license monitoring tasks

Any user with a role definition that includes software licensemonitoring can view and edit data in the software licensemonitoring console. Administrative users are assigned this role bydefault. Other users can be assigned View and Edit permissions forthe Software license monitoring role.

There are a few basic tasks that you do to enable softwarelicense monitoring. These tasks are summarized below; specificinstructions are found later in this chapter.

Gathering accurate software data

The Management Suite software monitoring agent gathers inventorydata from managed devices about what software applications areinstalled, by which computers groups, and how often they are run.As you review this data you may find that some applications are notfound or not recognized correctly. You can use the software licensemonitoring console to check for specific software, and if neededyou can add or correct product definitions.

Choosing which software to monitor

When the inventory data has been saved to the inventorydatabase, it is displayed in the software license monitoringconsole under the Discovered product super group. Your taskis to select products from that list that you want to monitor.Those products can then be linked to your license data and can betracked in the reports that show you how well your licenses matchactual product usage.

Adding license data

You will need to add data about the software licenses you wantto monitor. You can add this data manually, or import data fromanother source. Once you have added information about yourlicenses, such as how many licenses you have purchased, purchasedate and expirations dates, type of license, and how the licensesare consumed, you will see compliance statistics and reports thatcompare the license data with actual software usage.

Creating reports


As you review software and license compliance data, you cangenerate a report of the currently displayed data. Reports can beformatted in six ways: HTML, PDF, CSV, XML, RTF, and Excelspreadsheet (.xls) file.

When you have license and software data established in thedatabase, you can also use the Management Suite reports feature togenerate predefined reports with license and usage data. For moreinformation, see Reports.

The software license monitoringconsole

The software license monitoring console is designed to let youview what software applications are discovered on your manageddevices. The console offers three different perspectives—product,license, and computer—so you can focus on what's important toyou.

After you select the perspective you want, use the top left andcenter panes to select data, which is displayed in the lower halfof the console. As you select items, you filter the data to viewspecific products, computers, or licenses. When you have a group ofdata that you want to share, you can generate reports from theconsole.

After you have run inventory scans on managed devices, you willsee a list of installed software under the Discovered product supergroup. From this group, you can choose which software products youwant to monitor. You can choose to ignore some software, such asapproved freeware that users may install. You don't need to monitorall software as you begin, so you can leave products in theDiscovered group until you decide whether to monitor or ignorethem.

As you navigate the window from the left pane, refine yoursearch by using the top middle pane. For example, if you areviewing computer groups in the left pane, you can then select aproduct in the middle pane to see which computers have that productinstalled. As you select different combinations, the data in thelower pane changes to match your selections.

To use the software license monitoring console
  1. Click Tools > Reporting/Monitoring >Software license monitoring.
  2. To view different perspectives, click theProducts, Computers, or Licenses tabs at thetop of the window.
  3. To quickly move to an item in any of the filterpanes, type a name or partial name in the Find text box andclick the Find (magnifying glass) button.
  4. In the Products pane, click the Hide automaticallygenerated product groups toggle button to show only the productgroups you have created. Click the toggle button again to show theautomatically generated groups.
  5. To view a report of the data currently displayed inthe lower pane, click the View as report button and select areport format.

The different views available in the console are described inthe sections below.

Products perspective

Click the Products tab to view a list of product supergroups in the left pane. This perspective is typically used by ITadministrators. Three product super groups are displayed asdefaults:

  • Monitored
  • Ignored
  • Discovered

These default group names are displayed in a normal font. As youmove products to the Monitored or Ignored super group, productgroups based on manufacturer are automatically created (these arealso displayed in a normal font). If you create other customproduct groups, your group names are displayed in a bold font.

A custom product group includes any combination of products thatsuits your needs. Depending on whether you have chosen to monitorthose products or ignore them, you'll see the product groupdisplayed under the Monitored super group or the Ignored supergroup, or both.

To find a group or a product, click the chevrons (>>) tothe right of a product group (or double-click the product groupname). To return back to a product group, click the product groupin the hierarchical list.

In the Products pane, a toolbar provides quick access to basictasks:

  • Add product: Create a new custom productdefinition, with details about the product type and which filesdetermine whether it is installed or has been run.
  • Add custom product group: Create a group thatcontains related products you want to monitor.
  • Edit: Modify the definition for aproduct.
  • Delete: Remove a product from the Monitored orIgnored group. You can't delete a product that is referenced by alicense or a suite product.
  • Move product: Move a product from theDiscovered super group to the Monitored super group. If the licensefor the product can be applied to multiple versions, specify theproduct version number with a wildcard character (*) to includemultiple versions.

As you select different groups, manufacturers, or products,you'll notice that the contents of the lower pane change. There aretwo view options for the lower pane:

  • Product usage displays a record for everycomputer on which the product has been discovered; if any type ofgroup is selected, all products in that group are displayed withone record for each time the product is discovered. Columns includeproduct name, manufacturer, name of the computer on which theproduct was found, the primary user of that computer, the date theproduct was last run, the number of launches since usage monitoringstarted or was reset, and the total number of minutes the productwas used since monitoring started or was reset.
  • Product details displays the product name,version number, and manufacturer of the selected product. From thislist, you can right-click a product name and move it to theMonitored or Ignored group. You can also reset all product usagecounts for this product on all computers.

Product usage viewlimitations

In the Product usage view, the first 100 records are displayed.To view more records, click the Get all records button. Ifyou have a very large number of records, there may be a limit tohow many you can view. No more than 10,000 records that can bedisplayed in the product usage view. If there are more than 10,000records available, the Get all records button is notdisplayed because displaying so many records would cause theconsole to respond too slowly. In this case, if you want to displaymore than the first 100 records, you'll need to filter the data soa smaller number of records (less than 10,000) are displayed.

NOTE: If your coreserver is running Windows 2003 Server, a limit on how much memorycan be addressed by the operating system can prevent SLM fromcalculating usage correctly on more than 15,000 managed computers.If you need to calculate usage on more devices and if you have morethan 3.6 GB of physical memory installed on your server, you'llneed to change the settings in Windows 2003 Server so the OS canaddress more than its default limit of 3.6 GB of memory (see thearticle on large memory support available from Microsoft Support at

Re-calculating usage

The data displayed in the Product usage view represents thecomposite of all inventory scans saved to the database. A timestamp indicates at what time the last product usage calculation wasstarted. The product usage calculation is performed automatically,when your regular inventory maintenance is run on the database.

If you believe there is additional data from inventory scansthat is not reflected in the product usage view, and you don't wantto wait for the next automatic calculation, you can click theRe-calculate usage button to start a new calculation.

If you have a large number of records, this calculation can takeseveral minutes. Be aware that while the calculation is beingperformed, the reported number of available records reflects onlythe current number that have been processed. If the number ofrecords changes or seems too low, the calculation has most likelynot been completed. If you click the Re-calculate usagebutton again, the calculation will start over (so the numberreported will change again).

  • If you are unsure whether the calculation is still inprogress, you can check the Windows Task Manager and look in theProcesses list for ProductUsageCalculator.exe, which is thecalculation executable.
  • The daily time that inventory maintenance runs isspecified in the inventory setting in Configure LANDesk SoftwareServices. In the ManagementSuite Windows console, click Configure > Services,and then click the Inventory tab. The Perform maintenanceat setting shows when maintenance runs.
  • In the Product perspective, you can normallyright-click a discovered product in the lower pane and move it tothe Monitored or Ignored group. However, whileproduct usage is being calculated, the context (right-click) menuis inactive. If you have recently clicked the Re-calculateusage button, or if a calculation is in progress, you'll needto wait until the calculation is complete before you can moveproducts to another group.
  • If you have deleted any computers from the ManagementSuite list of devices, the change will not be reflected in thesoftware license monitoring console until the next time a usagecalculation is performed. There will be a period of time in whichthe deleted computers will still be listed in the software licensemonitoring console.

Resetting product usage calculation

Normally, product usage is calculated from the first time aproduct is found in an inventory scan. Over time, you may havesituations where you want to reset the calculation to get a moreaccurate picture of current product usage. For example, if aproduct has been installed for several months and used a few timeson some computers, you can reset product usage calculation for thatproduct on all managed devices. After you do this, the new usagedata (number of launches and minutes used) will reflect only usagefrom the time you reset it.

To reset usage calculation for a product
  1. In the software license monitoring console, click theProducts tab.
  2. Select a product group.
  3. Click the Show product detail records buttonto display the Product details view.
  4. Right-click the product and select Reset productusage for this product.

A task is scheduled to reset product usage, and the Customjob processing dialog box is displayed to show you the progressof the task. When it is completed, click Close.

NOTE: If the task wasnot completed of any of the computers, that computer will continueto show the old usage calculations. This could happen with a mobiledevice that is not connected to the network at the time the task isrun. Check the Scheduled tasks tool to make sure all deviceshave completed the task, and if needed, re-run the task on onlythose computers that failed when the task was run.

Computers perspective

Click the Computers tab to view a list of computergroups. This perspective is typically used by managers to viewcomputers and software usage in their organizations. Thisperspective is also where you create computer groups that can beassociated with licenses, if you want to track license usage for adivision in your organization.

Computer groups listed here are based on the device groups orqueries in your Management Suite network view. Items in Mydevices and Public devices, for example, can be selectedas computer groups. Other groups you have created can also beselected, so you can view groups based on device type, functionalgroups within your organization, or other criteria you have used tocreate groups.

If you have defined queries in your Management Suite networkview, you can use those queries to create dynamic lists in thesoftware license monitoring console.

When you select a group in the Computers perspective, the lowerpane displays all records for software installed in the computersthat belong to the group.

As a default, the first 100 records are displayed in the lowerpane. To view all records, click the Get all records button.If you have a very large number of records, you may be limited inhow many records you can view. If this is the case, filter the dataso a smaller number of records are available. (For additionalnotes, see Product usage view limitations.)

In the Computers pane, a toolbar provides quick access to basictasks:

  • Add computer group: Create a new groupdefinition. Groups are based on the queries and device groups youhave defined in the ManagementSuite network view.
  • Edit computer group: Modify the details for acomputer group.
  • Delete computer group: Remove a group from theComputers list.

Resetting product usage on a computer

Normally, product usage is calculated from the first time aninventory scan is run on a managed device. Over time, you may havesituations where you want to reset the calculation of all softwarerunning on a managed computer. For example, if a computer isreassigned to another user or other changes are made, you can startover with software usage calculation. After you do this, the newusage data will reflect only usage from the time you reset it.

To reset usage calculation for a computer
  1. In the software license monitoring console, click theComputers tab.
  2. Select a computer group and select one or morecomputers in the bottom pane.
  3. Right-click the product and select Reset productusage for selected devices.

A task is scheduled to reset product usage, and the Customjob processing dialog box is displayed to show you the progressof the task. When it is completed, click Close.

Licenses perspective

Click the Licenses tab to view license data, grouped bysoftware manufacturer, vendor, or the license groups that youcreate. This perspective is typically used by those who tracklicense compliance for your organization.

This perspective is empty until you add or import license data.When you add license data, the manufacturer and vendor names areautomatically used to create groups in the licenses pane. Thesegroups are displayed in a normal font. You can also create groupsto view any combination of licenses, such as all site licenses orall freeware. The groups you create are displayed in a boldfont.

When you click a license group name, the licenses in that groupare displayed in the bottom pane of the console. If a computergroup is associated with the licenses, the licenses for onlycomputers in that group are displayed in the bottom pane.

For example, if you monitor a software license for software thatis used by your Advertising division, you can associate thatlicense definition with an Advertising computer group. When youdisplay that license, only the license details for the Advertisingdivision are displayed in the lower pane.

In the Licenses pane, a toolbar provides quick access to basictasks:

  • Add license: Create a new license definition,with details about the number of licenses purchased, license type,manufacturer, and associated products. You can associate thelicense with a computer group if it only applies to computers inthat group.
  • Add license group: Create a group thatcontains related licenses you want to monitor.
  • Edit: Modify the definition for alicense.
  • Delete: Remove a license from the list oflicenses.
  • Import: Import an XML file containing licensedata from another data source or from a previous version ofManagement Suite.

The statistics pane

The top right pane in the software license monitoring consoledisplays charts that show you at a glance key information you canact on as you review software license usage. When you look at theProducts and Computers perspectives, you'll see a chart that showsthe five most underutilized products. When you look at the Licensesperspective, you'll see a chart that shows an overview of licensecompliance in terms of non-compliance and opportunities for savingmoney when licenses are underused. The graphs reference whateverdata is displayed in the lower pane of the console.

Top 5 underutilized products

This graph shows up to five monitored products that areinstalled but not actively used. The calculation for this graph istied to the Last used and Launches columns in the Product usageview. If there are products installed that have never been used,those products (and version numbers) are shown with the percentageof users that have never used the products. Hover your mousepointer over the bars in the graph to view the product data.

You can use the data to review with employees in yourorganization whether they need to have licensed software installedon their computers, and possibly reduce costs by redistributing ornot renewing those licenses.

Compliance statistics

This graph shows three helpful situations in monitoring licensecompliance:

  • Non-compliant: Shows the number of productsinstalled on more computers than you have valid licenses. Theseproducts have a higher number in the Used column than in thePurchased column in the License details view.
  • Warning: Shows the number of products that arewithin 10 percent of having all available licenses in use. Thisfigure lets you know when you may need to purchase additionallicenses or review the allocation of that software.
  • Opportunity: Shows the number of products thatare being actively used on less than 50 percent of the computersthey're installed on. This gives you an indication that you may beable to reduce costs by not renewing as many licenses for productsthat are unused.

NOTE: For the Warningand Opportunity calculations, you can change the thresholds atwhich products are counted for these compliance issues. Forexample, you may want to know when you are within 20 percent ofusing all purchased licenses for a product. To modify thesepercentages, edit the settings in the SLM.View.exe.config file,found on the core server in the ProgramFilesLANDeskManagementSuite folder.

Monitoring software usage

The LANDesk Management Suite software monitor scan runs when youschedule regular inventory scans. It monitors executable files thatare running and compares application information on each devicewith a standardized database of software applications, matching thenames and file sizes of executable files against the database.

Two other inventory scans help complete the picture with otherdata about software. These scans look at the Windows registry,uninstall keys, .msi files, shortcuts, and GUIDs to identifysoftware products. All the scan data is then compared to give ascomplete a picture as possible of what software is installed oneach managed device.

The software license monitoring console displays this summary ofdata in the Products perspective. Even if you don't have licensedata available, you can view this product data to find out on howmany managed devices a particular software product has beendiscovered.

Adding product definitions

Most applications installed on your managed devices will beidentified as matches with the software data included in thisproduct, but in some cases there may be software that doesn't matchthe standardized data.

You can create custom products, which add product definitionsfor any unidentified software executable files. When you do this,the executable files in the product definition are automaticallyadded to the list of executables that the inventory scanner looksfor. You can specify which files indicate that software isdiscovered, and also define usage executables that are theapplications used when the software is run on a computer.

To add a product definition to the database
  1. Click Tools > Reporting/Monitoring >Software license monitoring to open the console.
  2. Click the Products tab at the top of thewindow.
  3. Click the Add product button (in the Productspane).
  4. Type the name in the Productbox.
  5. Select an entry in the Manufacturer list, orclick the blank line and type a new manufacturer name.
  6. Click a Product type (Single, Dynamic, orSuite). If you select Suite, a list of products from themanufacturer is displayed. Select the products that make up thisversion of the suite.
  7. Type a number in the Versionbox.
  8. Click Monitored product or Ignoredproduct to list this new product in one of those supergroups.
  9. (Single products only) Add filename trackinginformation for Installation. Click Add and specifythe filename, size of the file, and version number for the productexecutable file. Repeat this for every product file you want to useto determine when the product is installed. Select Match anyor Match all to specify whether all files must be found oronly a minimum of one file must be found.
  10. (Single and suite products only) Add filenametracking information for Usage. Click Add and specifythe filename, size of the file, and version number of one or morefiles that can be used to determine when the product is used.
  11. When all information is complete, clickSave.

Monitoring softwarelicense compliance

Software license compliance is an important part of your overallIT asset management. You want to be able to show accuratecompliance when your organization is audited, and if yourorganization has policies related to software usage, softwarelicense compliance can help ensure that employees are followingyour policies.

Your organization's compliance with the terms of your softwarelicenses is dependent on:

  • Accurate inventory scans that compile data on whatsoftware is discovered and being used
  • Accurate data regarding the terms of the softwarelicenses you have purchased
  • Reconciliation of license data with inventorydata

The first item is taken care of by the LANDesk Management Suiteinventory scans that run on managed devices in your network. Thesescans include a software monitor scan that saves softwareinformation to the Management Suite database.

The second item needs to be added to the database from thelicense records that your organization has compiled. You can importdata from different sources by exporting the data from an Excelspreadsheet to an XML file.

Landesk Management Suite Download

The third item is what the software license monitoring featuredoes when all data is available in the database. Compliance iscalculated each day when regular inventory maintenance runs on thedatabase (as specified in the Inventory tab of Configure LANDeskSoftware Services). The success of your software license monitoringdepends on how accurately you have entered software license data,and how completely your inventory scans cover the devices in yourorganization.

Maintaining accurate licensedata

Someone in your organization maintains records of which licenseshave been purchased, and this data needs to be available andaccurate for compliance calculation.

If you are just starting with software license monitoring, youmay want to begin with a small number of licenses, most likely theones that need to be monitored for audits. You can enter or importthat license data using the software license monitoring console.The data is then used to generate statistics (in the top right paneof the console) and reports.

Entering license data manually

If your license data is in a format not easily imported, you canenter the data manually in the Licenses perspective. The data youenter is stored in the database and is used to calculatecompliance.

To add a license to the database
  1. Click Tools > Reporting/Monitoring >Software license monitoring to open the console.
  2. Click the Licenses tab at the top of thewindow.
  3. Click the Add license button (in the Licensespane).
  4. Enter specific data and click Save when youhave finished. While you don't need to add data to all fields, youshould at least enter a Name, License quantity, Manufacturer, andPrimary product, and select options in Consumption and Compliancetype, to have accurate compliance reporting.

Importing softwarelicense data

Landesk Management Suite 9.0 Crack

You can import existing license data from a previous version ofLANDesk Management Suite or from another data source. The data mustbe saved as an XML file with a specific format. (If you areimporting from a previous version, note that the format of licensedatabase tables in version 9.x is different than the format in 8.xversions, so you will need to modify the data format beforeimporting.)

A sample Excel spreadsheet (LicenseImport.xls) is included inthe ldmain share of the core server, for your reference. Any XMLfile that you use to import license data must be formatted with thesame column headings, and the same order of columns, as in thesample spreadsheet. If the headings in your XML file do not matchexactly, the data can't be imported.

NOTE: A Product Namecolumn is not included in the format for importing license data, soafter importing your licenses you need to manually associate eachlicense with a Primary product and, if needed, a Secondaryproduct.

To import license data
  1. From the original data source, export the licensedata as an Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Open the sample spreadsheet (ProgramFilesLANDeskManagementSuiteLicenseImport.xls) and note thecolumn headings and order of columns. Edit the data in yourspreadsheet so it matches the column order and column heading namesin the sample spreadsheet.
  3. In Excel, export your spreadsheet as an XML datafile.
  4. In the software license monitoring console, click theLicenses tab, and then click the Import button on thetoolbar.
  5. Browse to the location of the XML data file you justexported, and then click Open.
    The license data is added to the database and is displayed in theLicenses perspective of the software license monitoringconsole.
  6. For each license that you import, select the licensein the Licenses perspective and click the Edit button.Select a Primary product to associate with the license (ifneeded, select a Secondary product as well).

If the data does not appear in the console, or you receive anerror message, any of the following items may have caused anerror:

  • All headings are required and must be spelled exactlyincluding case and spacing.
  • If any spreadsheet columns are missing or you haveextra columns, the data will not be imported.
  • The XML file must not be open (in Excel) when youimport it.

When you associate a license with a product, you can only selectfrom products that are currently monitored. If you don't find themanufacturer or product name that you want, check in the Productsperspective to make sure the product is being monitored.

Re-calculating license compliance

In the License details pane, a time stamp shows the lasttime that license compliance was calculated. This is done on adaily basis at the time inventory maintenance is run on yourdatabase. If you have added license data and want to re-calculatecompliance without waiting for the scheduled maintenance, you canclick the Re-calculate compliance button in the Licensedetails pane.

If you have a large number of records, this calculation can takeseveral minutes.

Landesk Torrent