Mass Effect 3 Lancer



Why spend your valuable time exploring every nook and cranny in Mass Effect 3 for conveniently dropped weapon upgrades when someone on the internet has already do it? The videos above (and below) reveal the best hidden of the upgrades needed to make your trip through the galaxy that much easier and much more explosive, and they're worth checking if you plan to play the game to completion.


Courtesy of PlaystationWorld, this 25 minutes of footage will be a godsend if you just can't resist the lure of having every single weapon at its peak. From knives to scopes, everything you'll ever need is waiting to be found, tossed aside by oddly careless people who can obviously afford to dump important pieces of equipment for any old person to pick up. And it still makes more sense than finding shot gun shells in long-abandoned catacombs in Tomb Raider.


Mass Effect 3 Weapons Locations. Following are the weapons you can use against your enemies in Mass Effect 3, listed by category. M-8 Avenger Location. You will get this weapon. The Avenger is the very first assault rifle you pick up in the game. It is a fully automatic rifle that is light weight and does decent damage. The Lancer is a new weapon added by the Citadel DLC. The human made M-7 Lancer that you can get, a Pre/During-First Contact War weapon, is IMO the best assault rifle in all of Mass Effect 3. Literally the only thing humanity needed was resources and industry, both of which would explode once they can start colonizing with their comparatively large population (Earth alone has 11.4 billion, which is about equal to the populations on Thessia and Palavan combined ). BioWare has announced the final batch of single-player DLC for Mass Effect 3, titled Citadel, with the developer promising players an 'emotional ride with their favourite characters.'

Be sure to keep popping back as you play to ensure that you don't miss a thing in Mass Effect 3.

Mass Effect 3 Lancer

This is a stunningly stunning replica of an N7 assault rifle that doesn't exist yet but probably will in Mass Effect 3. It was constructed by propmaster extraordinaire Harrison Krix of Volpin props. I don't know about you guys, but I'm already pretty f***ing excited about ME3 coming out next spring. And NOT just because I'm itching to bed another alien ,but that is a big part of it. Now I know what everyone's wondering, 'GW, we must know -- which crew member did you bang at the end of Mass Effect 2?!' Ha, which crew member did I bang. I dunno, THE EXACT SAME ONE I'M SURE EVERYBODY DID: Garrus. What a hunk!

Hit the jump for a couple closeups and a video of Harrison putting the finishing touches on the thing, but be sure to follow the link back to Volpin for a ton of build pics and high-res shots of the finished product.

N7 Rifle, Mass Effect 3 [volpinprops]
An Amazing Mass Effect Gun That Exists In the Real World [kotaku]

Mass Effect 3 Lancer

Thanks to the two guys who sent this whose emails I've since deleted on account of not planning on a server crash, who both wanted to bang Zaeed and were pissed when they found out they couldn't.

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