Rainmeter System Monitoring Skins


Amatical can be an optimal/optimally Rainmeter Skins that you can customize it in whatever way that you desire. Together side the day, timing plus if you are also going to be capable of seeing your CPU, RAM, and Hard Disc use. If you want to monitor several hard drives at once then this HDD Rainmeter skins are the perfect Window desktop looks you ever need. It is visually customizable.

Rainmeter's basic purpose is to run skins. A skin is a movable, dynamic, sometimes-interactive window that appears over the Windows desktop, and usually gathers and displays information of some kind.

Skins come with many different sizes, styles, user interfaces, and levels of complexity. Rainmeter includes utilities for publishing and installing 3rd-party skins. Each skin is generally stored and loaded as an independent, self-contained module.


Files and Folders

All skins are stored in Rainmeter's 'Skins' folder. If Rainmeter has been installed normally, the default location of the Skins folder is:


If Rainmeter is installed as a portable application, the Skins folder is found in the installation folder. The Skins folder can also be changed in Rainmeter's settings.

A skin is stored as a named .ini text file e.g. SkinName.ini in its own named folder within Skins, as in: RainmeterSkinsSkinFolderSkinName.ini.

All of these folder paths may be referenced in a skin as built-in-variables.


If a single folder contains multiple SkinName1.ini, SkinName2.ini ...etc. files, they are each considered variants of the same skin. Only one variant can be active at a time, and all variants use the same settings. Separate skins not to be treated as variants must be stored in separate folders.


Separate skins:


Any supporting files used by the skin, such as images, addon executables, sounds, or Lua scripts, should also be stored in the skin folder. Complex skins are recommended to store supporting files in a folder called @Resources inside the root config folder. The @Resources folder is used by Rainmeter to load custom fonts and custom cursors.


Each skin is identified with a certain config name. The config name is based on the path from the main Skins folder to the skin file. For example, if a skin is located at...


...then the config name would be:


Because skins may have any number of variants, many Rainmeter features, especially bangs, refer to a specific skin by its config name, rather than the skin's filename.

Root config

Skins may also be stored in subfolders within the same root config folder. They share the same @Resources folder, and are packaged and installed together. Otherwise, Rainmeter treats each subfolder as a separate config.

For example, the following skins belong to the 'illustro' suite:


This means that they are both located in the same root config folder, 'illustro,' in the main Skins directory.


The root config folder for a skin will ALWAYS be directly under C:UsersYourNameDocumentsRainmeterSkins. No matter how many levels of folders your suite of skins may have, there will always be a single, shared root config folder for that suite of skins, directly under the ..Skins folder. This is where the @Resources folder must be.

Each skin has a unique config name:


But since they belong to the same root config, they share the same @Resources folder:


A suite is an informal term for skins that are organized together in this manner. Suites are often used by skin authors to make a set of skins that share a common style, or complement each other in some way. If a root config folder contains only one SkinName.ini file, then the config and root config are the same, and the skin can be stored, packaged and installed by itself.


The SkinName.ini file is written as a standard INI file, which uses the following format:

Each property of the skin is defined by a section. Each key is an option that modifies that property. The following sections may be used in skins:

  • [Rainmeter]
    Defines options that affect the entire skin.

  • [Variables]
    Defines text strings that can be used throughout the skin.

  • Measures
    Objects that retrieve (or 'measure') information of some kind.

  • Meters
    Objects that display information and other visual elements.

  • MeterStyles
    Define options that may be used by several meters.

  • [Metadata]
    Defines the name, version, license, and other non-functional information about the skin.

A skin must have at least one meter. All other properties are optional, and may not even be present, depending on what is needed for the skin. For skins that are publicly distributed, the [Metadata] section is strongly recommended.

There are only a few rules about using the INI format:

  • All section names in a skin must be unique.
  • All option names within a section must be unique.
  • Section and option names should include alphanumeric characters only (no spaces or punctuation).
  • Option values must be kept on a single line.

'Quotes' are not needed around strings used as an option value. Rainmeter will ignore quotes around option values.


When a skin is loaded, it updates on a regular cycle. The length of time between updates is defined by the Update option in the [Rainmeter] section, and defaults to 1 second (or 1000 milliseconds). The update determines when the skin reacts to changes in the values of variables, measures and options.

Individual meters and measures can be made to update more slowly by 'skipping' cycles, using the UpdateDivider option. In addition, the !Update bang forces the skin to update immediately, resetting the timed cycle.


When a skin refreshes, all values are reset, and the skin starts over as if it had just been loaded for the first time. Refreshing also applies any changes that have been made to the code in SkinName.ini.

A skin can be refreshed from the context menus, or using the !Refresh bang.

Rainformer 2.3 – Rainmeter skin suite – Desktop monitoring gadgets – widgets for Windows 10

DOWNLOAD from Deviantart

DOWNLOAD from Deviantart : http://fav.me/dd247z5


➢support for drives from C: to Z:,
➢drive labels,
➢read/write speeds,
➢Used-Free/Total space (change on click on the label),
➢activity indicators,
➢open disk on click,
➢show/hide graphs using the button,
➢active bar (used disk space with warning levels).

Best rainmeter system monitor skins

➢Download/Upload speeds with graphs,
➢activity indicators,
➢Internal/External IP Addresses (toggling on click on the IP area),
➢Total Download/Upload data,
➢Reset the Total data button,
➢Open “Network Connections” on click,
➢show/hide graphs on “-|+” button,
➢active bars (vertical, Upload/Download speeds).

System Monitor Rainmeter Skin

➢Unified skin for ATI and NVIDIA Graphics Cards,
➢GPU usage,
➢Memory usage,
➢GPU temperature,
➢Fan speed (rpm),
➢GPU clock, Memory clock,
➢show/hide graphs using the button,
➢active bars (GPU Usage, Memory Usage, FAN with warning levels).

➢open Recycle Bin (Click on the title),
➢empty Recycle Bin (Right mouse click),
➢number of Items in the Bin,
➢total size of Items in the Bin.

➢CPU support for up to 36 Cores,
➢the skin AUTOMATICALLY finds and sets the number of CPU cores,
➢CPU clock,
➢CPU Fan speed (rpm),
➢show/hide graphs using the button,
➢active bars (Total CPU Usage, CPU Cores Usage with warning levels),
➢CPU-RAM LIGHT Skin: includes only Total CPU usage with CPU and RAM bars, and RAM usage info.

✔ RAM SKIN: (as a part of CPU-RAM skin):
➢Used and Total RAM (Auto detection),
➢active bar (RAM usage with warning levels).

➢Day in the Year,
➢shows system up-time.

➢Battery charging status,
➢battery life,
➢bar with warning colors depending on the battery charge level,
➢animated Battery icon related to the battery status.

✔ PSU SKIN: (Basic and Professional versions):
➢Power usage,
➢PSU temperature,
➢PSU Fan speed,
➢Voltage, Amperage and Wattage for +3,3, +5 and +12 connectors,
➢show/hide graphs using the button,
➢active bar.

➢Volume up/down (with mouse over the skin and scrolling mouse wheel up/down (steps per 1)),
➢mute/unmute (speaker button),
➢volume up/down buttons (change volume per +10 or -10),
➢device change buttons,
➢Open Volume Mixer (click on the Title),
➢Active slider. NEW

➢Number of Active processes,
➢Top Processes by CPU usage,
➢To processes by RAM usage, NEW
➢Top processes by GPU usage. NEW

Best System Monitoring Rainmeter Skins

➢3 standard Windows’ power plans (as textual buttons) (“Min”= Power saver, “Balanced”=Balanced, “Max”=High performance),
➢open “Power options” to customize power plans on click on the title.

➢works completely OFFLINE with option to detects your location via Internet (“Detect” button),
➢Sunrise, Moonrise, Sunset, Moonset times,
➢Daylength (for the current day),
➢Daylength difference (for tomorrow),
➢Real Sun and Moon position in the Sky, NEW
➢Precise Moon phases. NEW

➢setup skins size, corner sharpness, stroke, colors, opacity…

– New: Top RAM skin,
– New: Top GPU skin,
– New: Settings Panel,
-resize skins,
-customize corner radius,
-customize stroke width,
-Disk Drives panel,
-option for users of AMD Radeon Graphics Cards to easily enter the Total memory amount,
-option for users of Power Supply Units to easily enter the Max PSU Power,
-open HWiNFO SharedMemoryViewer shortcut for easy setup,
-option to changle Background 1 (top) color and opacity,
-option to changle Background 2 (bottom) color and opacity,
-option to change Stroke color and opacity,
-option to change Bar color and opacity,
-option to change Main text color,
-option to change other Text(2) color,
-Reset buttons, to reset Colors and Opacities to Default values,
-Check for New version link.
– New: New skin Background style. Not based on illustro Bg anymore, but on the customizable shapes,
– Improved: all images in the suite have been replaced with shapes (result is Crystal clear look at any skins sizes),
– Improved: Volume skin – added active slider to control volume level,
– Improved: Top CPU skin now uses UsageMonitor plug-in insted of PerfMoon and AdvancedCPU. Result is much better performance, no lags,
– Improved: GPU’s ATI and NVIDIA skins have been merged into one skin,
– Improved: Sun-Moon skin – added feature to see real Sun and Moon angle in the Sky instead of Sun image,
– Improved: Sun-Moon skin – much more precise Moon phases on the Moon shape,
– Fixed: Power Plan skin – fixed lags when click the buttons,
– Changed: System Uptime skin has been merged with the Clock skin,
– Changed: Some cosmetic changes in all skins.

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Rainmeter System Monitoring Skins

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