Readability Grayed Out In Microsoft Word For Mac


To enable writing style guidance in Microsoft Word: Click File Options. Click Proofing from the menu on the left. Use the options under “When correcting spelling and grammar in Word” to. Hi, I have really random problem. I have 3 word documents on my file server that I can't edit. Most of the menu options are greyed out (for example Select All) and when I ever I click anywhere in the document it takes me back to the top of the first page.

On Jul 21, 11:52 am, John McGhie <> wrote:
> Hi John:
> Heading numbering is outline numbering. You can have only ONE series of
> heading numbering, stretching from the front to the back of the book.
> And you must have your styles linked into the Outline Numbering format.
> Shauna Kelly has one of the best explanations I have seen, here:
> Study Shauna's pages, then come back with your specific questions :-) Sadly
> neither the Help nor the Microsoft website covers the topic.
> Cheers
> On 21/07/08 2:27 AM, in article

Readability Grayed Out In Microsoft Word For Mac 2020


> '' <> wrote:
> > Hi
> > For some reason the original message didn't appear in the post.
> > I've defined a numbered heading. I've used this in a document that is
> > a chapter in a book. When I paste this chapter into a longer document
> > that is the whole book, the heading numbered (1) appears as (7). When
> > I go to Format>Bullets and Numbering, the screen shows both the
> > Restart Numbering and Continue Previous List buttons greyed out.
> > I've also defined a (different) outline numbered heading. After
> > pasting in the chapter this series of headings was missing entirely.
> > The two styles are defined identically for the book document and for
> > the chapter document.
> > I'm using Word 2004 for Mac V 11.3 with Mac OSX 10.4.11
> --
> Don't wait for your answer, click here:
> Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.
> John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
> Sydney, Australia.

Hi John

Apologies for delay. In fact I had used Shauna's pages to define my
Styles [eg. (1) List 1] that use
Outline Numbered Headings. When writing within one document they work
fine. I come to where I want to begin a new list, select the style,
the format is produced beginning with where the last list left off,
and then I go to Format>Bullets and Numbering where I click the
Restart numbering button.

When writing a book, I work on one chapter at a time because it may
undergo significant changes in drafting. When that chapter is ready
(and the document for it uses identical styles to the document
containing the book to date) I paste it into the book document.
That's when the problems set out in my second post occur: the Restart
numbering button is greyed out.

I've surmounted it only by a very tedious workaround: (a) copy list to
blank document and remove all styles; (b) delete the list from the
book document together with para marks before and after; (c) paste in
unformatted list from blank document; (d) apply the required stye; (e)
Format>Bullets and Numbering, click Restart Numbering (which is not
now greyed out).

I'd really appreciate knowing how to work this one without such a
tedious workaround.

Many thanks


How to overtype text in Word | 8 comments | Create New Account
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Readability Grayed Out In Microsoft Word For Mac 2019

The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

In the PC the OVR in the Word used to stand for overwrite, maybe that would help in your searchs.

I really, really don't know why 'overtype', shomething that was useful when the UI for word processors was command-line based, survived the coming of the GUI… In the Mac, Apple decided not to keep the Ins key, and Word was created for the Mac first…
I remember reading Rick Shaut's blog about how this was something added under consumer demand somewhere around Word 6… but I cannot find the post.
Juan de Dios Santander Vela
Electronics Engineer
Astronomy Software Developer
Ph.D. Student


Readability Grayed Out In Microsoft Word For Mac Shortcut

All I can say is thankfully no Insert key does exist on the Mac... I can't count the number of times I have inadvertently activated this on my work PC (the key is extremely easy to accidentally press) and subsequently lost work before I've noticed.
PB G4, 1.5 GHz, 1.5GB RAM, 128MB VRAM, 80 GB 5400rpm HD, SuperDrive, MacOS X 10.4.8
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Agreed. I can't remember the last time I intentionally wanted to turn on overwrite/insert mode.

i can't find that overtype button at the bottom of the window on word mac 2008. i think it may have been removed. furthermore, a search for 'overtype' in word's help files does not bring up anything but the option can be set under preferences -> edit -> overtype mode toggle.
i have no idea why this is not documented in the help files by careless Microsoft.

'The OVR button in the status bar works with Mac 2004. However, it was was removed in Word 2008. Another option for Word 2008 is to click Customize Toolbars and Menus on the View menu. Click the Commands tab and select Overtype from the All Commands category. Then you can either add the OVR command to a toolbar or create a keyboard shortcut.'
from a user

Free Microsoft Word For Mac

The OVR button in the status bar works with Mac 2004. However, it was was removed in Word 2008. Another option for Word 2008 is to click Customize Toolbars and Menus on the View menu. Click the Commands tab and select Overtype from the All Commands category. Then you can either add the OVR command to a toolbar or create a keyboard shortcut.

How to overtype / overwrite text in Word (2008 & 2011)

Thank you for the tip above here. I rarely use Overtype but occasionally it's invaluable for completing basically assembled forms in word where form authors have relied (a little annoyingly, albeit well intended) on the use of underscores to block out a fillable area.
Just as an fyi, for Microsoft Word 2011 on a Mac, to use Overtype you have the same two options you had on Office 2008.
Option #1: Set in preferences (less useful, bit fiddly, but quick for a one off)
Word > Preferences > Edit > Overtype (toggle box)
Option #2.: Add a Custom Menu command for 'Overtype'
View > Toolbars > Customize Toolbars & Menus > (Click 'Commands' tab) > (Click 'All Commands' filter) > Overtype (drag either to menu or toolbar)
I put under 'Edit' menu. If you really want the toolbar button, with Word 2011 and the new 'Ribbon', it seems to only let you drag the custom toolbar entry to the toolbar at very top of the Word window.
Hope this helps - I was surprised at how tricky this was to find, too!